Albania was confronted with the corona virus relatively late. The first confirmed cases in March raised negative expectations for this year’s tourism development. Some tens of thousands of Swiss and another four million tourists visited Albania last year. Many of them came from Kosovo. The Albanian travel industry was hit hard by this positive trend this year. Despite many loyal visitors from neighboring countries, the travel year 2020 was very difficult. Not only travel companies and hotels were directly burdened, but also many suppliers such as regional farmers and service providers.

This report from us at THROUGH ALBANIA complements our previous report on travel safety in Albania. The Corona Virus in Albania and the effects will be with us until at least the end of 2021. Since August 20, returnees from Albania have been in a ten-day quarantine in Switzerland. It is important to us to give our guests a direct insight into the Corona Virus situation in Albania. Please note that the information provided by the respective state representatives is constantly being adapted and our information is only to be viewed as a supplement. A current WHO overview of the current situation can be found here.


Current situation – Corona Virus in Albania

The current case numbers in Albania are at a high level. For about 2 months, the new infections have been in the range of 120 to 160 new infections per day. Many patients in Albania have recovered, but the new infections are only slowly leveling off. However, this is only a snapshot and is subject to change at any time. Travel is basically possible, but must always be coordinated individually. So far, the Albanian government has not required any proof of entry – nor is there a quarantine for foreign tourists. There is no public mask requirement.
Medical catering is below Western European standards and, despite the positive management of the pandemic, is not designed for a high number of foreign patients. This is especially true for high risk patients. For those, trips abroad and thus also Albania are not recommended.

Today the Corona Virus in Albania is contained through extensive hygiene concepts. The Albanian government is in constant contact with all regions of the country and has played an active role in containment.


Significance for the travel destination Albania

The Corona Virus in Albania has far-reaching consequences. The result is not just a sharp slump in the economy for 2020, but a long-term recovery. Albania has been able to build up ever more qualitative and sustainable tourism in recent years. Due to the Corona Virus in Albania, The Corona Virus in Albania has a strong impact on everyday life and society. Many companies have not found their way back as usual after a total curfew.
We recommend planning individual group trips for this year. Self-guided or with a guide! This makes it possible to have a low risk through sole contact with a guide and still travel the country. We only advise against hiking trips on your own.

The whole development, mainly in Europe, raises hopes for tourist opportunities in the coming winter and next year!


We look forward to your questions and feedback!


Is Albania safe to travel? 

Many travelers ask us questions concerning the safety of travel in Albania. Despite many positive travel experiences via the travel destination of Albania, the question still often arises: Is Albania safe to travel? 

We would like to thoroughly address these questions and dispel any concerns about safety. Since questions of safety are often grounded in historical events, it is very important to put these events into context for the sake of travelers’ understanding. And due to the current world situation surrounding the COVID-19 outbreak, questions of travel safety in Albania are becoming ever more prevalent. However, we would like to stress that our contribution here only deals with this in passing.

At the end of this article you will find links to travel and safety guidelines provided by a number of national representatives. There are severe travel restrictions globally, and so travel to Albania is currently not recommended.


Albania’s safety image

Albania’s beautiful landscapes and cultural riches have become increasingly well-known in western Europe. Did you know that Albania has a section of Adriatic coast in the north and a section of Ionian coast in the south? Saranda, Dhermi, and Ksamil are the hot spots of the Albanian Riviera in the summer months. The Albanian tourism board works constantly to improve infrastructure and safety. Despite these efforts, Albania’s image to outsiders is plagued with negative impressions.

Even today, Albania’s image is not what it should be, as the country is often thought of as a dangerous travel destination. But the opposite is actually true! Situated in the middle of the Balkans, Albania is often associated with the civil war in Yugoslavia. Actually, Albania was never a part of Yugoslavia.

This confusion is one reason for the common misgivings among travelers worldwide. The Albanian border town of Kukes played a significant humanitarian role during the Kosovo conflict. And the images circulated around the world!


A short excursion into hidden history 

First founded in 1912, Albania was a staunchly Communist country after World War II, up until 1991. This kingdom of nature, located in the middle of Europe, was highly isolated for a long time. During this time, many Albanians learned to speak foreign languages, primarily Italian. Old radios were the only window to the outside world. Due to its geographic proximity to Italy, the country received primarily Italian media, which often comprised the only stream of information available. In fact, along the road from Otranto, the distance across the strait from Italy to Albania is only about 70km!

Traveling (especially coming in) during this era was strictly regulated by the Communist regime and was only possible under certain conditions. Exiting the country was reserved solely for Communist party leaders.

Today, hundreds of thousands of bunkers from the era of Enver Hoxha still exist. Scattered throughout the entire country, they were intended to resist any invasion. After the Communist regime collapsed, Albania stood on its own for quite a while. Dictatorship and planned (command) economy held the country back for decades, resulting in substantial emigration to Western Europe after the fall of the regime.

is albania safe for travel?Politically motivated processes – communism in Albania 1944-1991 – is Albania safe to travel?


The Albanian turnaround – Lottery Uprising

After the fall of the Communist regime, a democratic system was established in Albania. But triggered by a fraudulent investment scheme, unrest broke out in Albania after several years of change. Many people lost their only possessions, and the country found itself in a state of anarchy.

The question: Is Albania safe for travel, was born at this time.

This brief phase in the spring of 1997 negatively influenced news reporting for years to come. But, largely unaffected, Albania recovered, and tourism has made considerable progress. Nevertheless, Albania’s image as a volatile country is still present in western Europe. No longer ask yourself with the question “Is Albania safe to travel?”…

Durres after unsure turn Durres around the year 2000 – building boom after the state crisis


Are there unsafe areas in Albania?

No. Due to its long-standing isolation and rather small-town flair, petty crime is not prevalent. In larger cities like Tirana and Durres, instances of theft can occur but are rather uncommon. We recommend simply being aware of your surroundings, as usual. But some areas in Albania are so friendly and familiar that some people leave their homes and gardens open! In retrospect, many travelers wonder where the question “is Albania safe to travel?” ever came up!


How can I travel safely in Albania? Our recommendations

In a word, we should first say that Albania is a safe travel destination. The traffic is somewhat challenging for western Europeans, and so defensive, cautious driving is advised. Unfortunately, aggressive overtaking maneuvers and impatience in traffic are commonplace. And lighting conditions outside the cities do not correspond to Western European standards. So we advise that you avoid driving at night whenever possible. Is Albania safe for travel? Yes, but unfortunately this does not apply to the transport sector! This is also a reason why we particularly recommend a guided group tour for first-time travelers.

And please be aware of the following topic of stray animals. Albania, along with a number of NGO’s, has been trying for years to relocate these stray animals away from public areas. The first substantial improvements have been observed in the cities and metropolitan areas. But this additional traffic risk persists, especially at night.

The second danger involves rabies, which has not yet been eradicated throughout the entire Balkan region, including Albania. Thus, we recommend avoiding all contact with wild animals. We also recommend that you get a medical consultation ahead of time, particularly for longer individual trips in Albania.


Travel and safety advisories from several national representatives


We at THROUGH ALBANIA constantly stay up-to-date on safety and infrastructure developments, in order to offer our guests a safe, unique travel experience. Please take note of our safety tips to ensure as safe a visit as possible.

Is Albania safe to travel? We hope to have answered this question for you.


We look forward to your questions and feedback!

Is Albania safe to travel? 3 unknown information 1