Cookie Policy

Cookies are little morsels of information that are created when you visit our site or any site for that matter. These morsels of information are called cookies.

Our cookies are meant to be productive and beneficial to everyone. We analyze from where the traffic came, what our visitors are interested in, how they behave on our website and if they are interested we offer them our services. We do not gather more data and we do not try to link your data to other personal data to identify you. What data you choose to entrust to us is safe and we will not use it in any way that is not disclosed in this policy.

Safety credit card information

All Financial information is always verified and safeguarded. All credit card information is encrypted and protected with AES-256, making the purchasing process secure. Stripe our payment provider has been audited by a PCI-certified auditor and is certified to PCI Service Provider Level 1. This is the most stringent level of certification available in the payments industry. We are at all times entitled to change the way we collect, transmit and process the personal information and such other information as we may deem necessary.

If you have any questions about this Privacy Statement or the practices of this site, feel free to contact

Your rights regarding the company’s processing

You are entitled to request access to the personal data we process on you. You have the right to request that we erase or amend your personal data.Within Albentic Travel Ltd., Dreni Morina (Owner) is responsible for the enforcement of this data protection policy.

Below you can find the contact information:

Albentic Travel Ltd.

c/o Trubegüetlistrasse 18

8212 Neuhausen



The Privacy Policy and Cookie Privacy can be amended from time to time in order to reflect the latest changes in law. Customers are contacted ahead of time by email and the customers consent is required. This can also be done by tacit acceptance.